
Sunday, July 17, 2011

iPhone 5 Will Sell Great: 9 Reasons Why

A year after the launch of the iPhone 4, rumors have arose that, come September, Apple will be announcing (and releasing) another episode in this saga, the iPhone 5. Some go as far as saying that Apple has already hired a company to produce no less than 15 million units of the new model.
After the huge success of the iPhone 4 (selling 1.7 million units in the first three days, 3 million in the first month), there are plenty of reasons to suggest that the new version will be at least as successful. Here are some of them:

1. Accurate past production predictions

So far, Apple has proven to give almost dead-accurate predictions of first period sales for the iPhones. So, if we are to believe the rumor that they have already ordered 15 million 5s, this gives just a small measure of the sales they expect of the new model.

2. Using 4G

The same rumors hint that the iPhone 5 will use 4G, which will give better Web connectivity. Consequently, we may see a trend to change the then outdated 3G iPhone 4 with this latest version.

3. Anxious market

Previous iPhones have been released sometime in the summer. Not so, this time, as the new model will apparently be out in the beginning of autumn. Building pressure and anxiousness on the market will no doubt lead to high demand when the product is finally released.

4. Using AT&T growth

The mobile carrier AT&T is on its way to acquiring T-Mobile USA. This will bring the new iPhone within reach of tens of millions of more users. This will of course further help sales growth of the model.

5. Past success

Ever since its first release in 2007 and to date, the iPhone, irrespective of the model, has had a huge success and consequent massive sales. Taking this into consideration, a new and improved model should have sales going through the roof.

6. Using one of the best marketing in the business

One of Apple’s major advantages is of course its marketing strategies. A strong, mature company which knows exactly when and where to hit, what and how to say to slowly grow user interest, which of course is reflected in the sale numbers.

7. Loss of enterprise interest in the BlackBerry

Over time, the market has witnessed two contrasting tendencies, when it comes to enterprise use of mobile products. On the one hand, the iPhone has had a slow but steady growth in corporate sales. On the other hand, one of their biggest competitors, RIM, the producers of BlackBerry, have lost market share due to not-appealing design and ineffective sale strategies. If these tendencies continue, the new iPhone will definitely hit hard on the enterprise market.

8. Help from the iPad

The two most successful Apple products, the iPad and the iPhone have so far helped each other’s sales, since users of one become interested in the other. There is no reason to think that the iPad 2 will not follow the same trend and nudge iPhone 5 sales even further.

9. Good release date choice

Even though, as shown before, the new model will not follow the 12-month trend and will be released some time in September or October, this strategy has a subtle advantage in that user interest will not drop until the holiday season, which will of course greatly help sales.


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